market dynamics
About motorcycle electronic spray maintenance principle sharing
Release date:2020.06.03

Motorcycle electronic jet, as its name implies, is the abbreviation of motorcycle electronic fuel injection system. That means replacing the carburetor with an electronic fuel injection system.

Motorcycle electronic spray system is basically composed of three parts: sensor, actuator, ECU.

In this case, we can simply call it a "triad" and an ECU we can call a processor.

Thus, the motorcycle electronic injection system consists of "three components", sensor, actuator, processor (ECU).

Characteristics of motorcycle electronic sprayer:

Sensor, actuator, processor ECU, the common ground of these 3, it is to use function and action to name motorcycle electric spray parts!

The sensor transmits the collected information to the processor ECU, which processes the information and then arranges the actuator to complete the instructions. For example, sensors are human eyes and ears, processors, ecUs, and actuators are human hands and feet.

Next, let's classify the three components separately:

A sensor, since it is known to be the original of information acquisition, can be understood as an electrical component that converts physical signals such as sound, photoelectric, and electrical signals into electrical signals. Let's leave aside the internal structure and principle of each part for a moment, but at least we should find the commonality in the functions of these parts.

Characteristics of motorcycle electronic spray sensor, each sensor has three lines, the three lines are:

1, power supply, fire line, 5 volts, this line is the SUPPLY of ECU;

2, zero line, negative pole, also known as iron, some sensors on the open line, some sensors on their own iron, is two lines;

3. Signal line, which is the line that the sensor supplies the signal to the PROCESSOR ECU.

In this way, we know from the similarities of the three sensors that they are named after their functions and functions, and then we know the direction of each line on the sensor, so we can find the connection mode of each part in the car.

An executor is an electronic part that carries out the instructions of the processor'S ECU.

Characteristics of motorcycle electric jet actuators, it is the same as the sensor, each actuator also has three wires:

1. Power supply, firewire. Unlike the sensor, this firewire is a 12-volt battery power supply.

2, zero line, negative pole, also called wire, and the sensor on the same, some actuators are open line, some are their own wire;

3. The signal line is connected to the processor ECU in the same way as the sensor, but the signal direction is different. It's the input signal that the processor gives it.