market dynamics
10 tips! For those of you who are learning to ride motorcycles.
Release date:2022.05.12

1. The tire

Starting at the bottom, tires are critical. Get in the habit of checking the tire pressure the first time you get a new car. Tyre conditions and wear safety lines should be known before use. Don't forget to tell them that the new tires are slippery and will take a while to blend in with the ground.

2. Watch your chain

Make it a good habit to check your vehicle's chain regularly. You must correctly inform them of the Settings for wheel positioning and chain tension. This is usually labeled by the manufacturer next to the rear flat fork. Clean the chain regularly and use the right lubricating oil to make sure the chain is smooth and efficient when they use the motorcycle!

3. Brake foundation

Maybe a lesson about bleeding from a brake should not be the first lesson on a new rider's syllabus, but you can at least tell them something about motorcycle braking. How do they check the brake pads and brakes, and how do they find problems with the brakes, such as how to tell if the brake disc is deformed or the brake caliper piston is not in place. If you think they are ready, you can show them in person how to remove, clean and install brake calipers.

4. Perfect control

The driver's license is just the beginning for them to ride motorcycles. The first few kilometres are crucial to the skill, confidence and safety of future cycling, all of which can only be achieved with the right control of the rider. The best way to get your friend or relative in the best shape is to lubricate the brake lever shaft and clutch lever shaft and adjust a perfect clutch point.

5. Oil usage

Do not think that motorcycle related oil inspection is easy, let them in accordance with the original factory instructions for their own car chain oil, oil label, dosage, brake fluid label and so on in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer to do. And remind them, please use unopened brake fluid, brake fluid moisture absorption is very strong, try to use up, and please stay away from the body and paint, because it is corrosive.


6. Torque setting

For a new driver, try to minimize the use of regular wrenches or socket screws. It's best to buy a torque wrench and show them how to use it and where to find the right Settings. For example, the torque value required by the original manufacturer of a screw.

7. Clean

This is especially important because different chemical cleaning agents may not be used anywhere on the bike. Gasoline, for example, is not suitable for cleaning chains and places with rubber rings, even though gasoline is very good at removing oil. So get into the habit of using the right cleaning tools and chemicals to clean your car.

8. Basic electricity

It's impossible for a novice to understand, but at least give them an idea of how the vehicle should keep basic electrical systems working and know how it can be checked and recharged. Show them where the fuses are, show them where the spare fuses are, even how to change a light bulb.

9. Chassis inspection

Experienced drivers should be able to spot chassis problems, but for novice drivers some chassis problems are not obvious. Help them examine the motorcycle and make some explanations.

10. Hot car

This is something novice drivers must know. Motorcycles are more accurate than cars, and the engine should be fully warmed up and lubricated before riding. The tire takes time to heat up. This heat is the temperature of the tire from the friction of the tire against the ground at some distance.

Of course, the most important thing to tell rookie fans is that you must go to the store to buy some cycling equipment before riding, so as to escort your wonderful riding!